Britzka & Whip story
<Previous part - Reins story>
(...) “The boy should be glad that he wasn't dealing with me!” said the whip. “If I had given him as many lashes as you, Reins, he wouldn’t have been able to crawl home.”
“We all have our talents,” the reins stated quietly.
Unimpressed, Bullwhip continued. “I was busy elsewhere. It’s always been up to me to punish the most fractious farmworkers.”
The cane broke back in. “Both of you are good at punishing the boys. But for you it was an extra job. For me, it has always been my only task. The Lord took me everywhere. We were inseparable. I accompanied him all over the world. Think about your entire careers. How many strokes have you given; How many have I? Pfff. There’s no comparison.”
“Quality over quantity,” answered the bullwhip condescendingly. “Who took care of Lucas’ back? Any guesses why he was always walking around shirtless?”
“Ah, Luke,” said Cane dreamily. “I have always wanted to thrash him!”.
“And we got in touch… literally,” boasted Whip. “I believe the wedding of Miss Martha is burned into him for the rest of his life,”
“For sure,” laughed the britzka.
“Tell us, tell us!” came a chorus of voices. Most knew what had happened at the wedding, but after years of being together in the lonely barn, they never tired of each other’s stories.

Britzka loved to be the center of attention. “I was once very beautiful. But that was a long time ago. When I was young and shapely, I moved with grace and vitality. I swayed so quietly and evenly that passengers felt like they were floating on water rather than traveling a stony road. For the wedding day, I was specially prepared, cleaned, and festooned with flowers.”
Whip grunted dismissively.
Britzka ignored him and continued. “Oh yes. I was pulled by Perlino, a handsome young horse. He was inexperienced, but the Landlord needed a light-colored horse for the wedding. We arrived at the bride’s house. My passenger went in to visit the lady and left me in Lucas’ care. This young man had served our master for a short time before working for the bride’s family. He was stubborn, arrogant, and rather lazy.”
“He hadn’t meet me yet,” bragged the whip.
“Shhh” interjected Reins. “Let Britzka tell her story.”
“First,” continued the carriage indignantly, “the young man decided to take me for a joyride with his comrades instead of waiting for my passenger to return. Lucas used a whip to hurry the young horse. Perlino was shocked by the unkind treatment. He reared and whinnied. The rogues argued and finally unhooked the horse from me. One of Lucas’ companions tried to calm the poor animal and mount him, but then Lucas purposely gave the horse a shot with the whip. Scared, Perlino threw the unlucky rider and bolted.”
“Just then Martha appeared with the wedding guests. The farmhands rushed to control the situation, all except Lucas of course. Our Master must have seen the whole thing because he had already appeared red in the face and looking like he was close to exploding. I guess he was holding back for the sake of the bride.”
“Lucas stood brazenly and didn't even bow his head. All the other carriages in the wedding procession were ready except me. Everyone was waiting. Several offered our Landlord a lift. He thanked them and said he would manage to get to the church on his own.”
“The Landlord glowered at Lucas as the caravan of carriages moved away leaving the two men facing each other”.
“With an impudent tone of voice, Lucas said he could catch Perlino quickly.”
“‘Catch?’ huffed the Landlord, ‘Stupid boy! He is probably halfway home by now. But fortunately, we have another foal right here. Take off your shirt!’ He ordered.”
“Surprised, but realizing the trouble he was in, Lucas slowly stripped to the waist. Deftly, the Landlord harnessed Lucas to replace Perlino and transformed the young man into a workhorse. He took the bullwhip off his belt and held it in his hand.”
“That’s me! That’s me!!” Interrupted the whip.
“Shhh!!!” Came several voices from around the barn.
“I am light and small,” continued Britzka, “and the young man was very well built and strong. But despite his impressive body, Lucas was not born a draft horse. He shook me with his effort to pull me, starting and stopping. It was not a good ride. Fortunately, a large part of the route was downhill. Our Lord sat on my bench and murmured, ‘If we are late, I'll skin you alive!’ My wheels rolled and rolled until we reached the hill…”
Bullwhip could not control himself. Fearing britzka would focus on irrelevant details he took over. “The wheels of the britzka were rolling, rolling, and I’m waiting in master’s hand for the bastard to slow down. We're going up the hill and I have to admit that I was impressed with Lucas's strength. He flexed his muscles under the strain, which only emphasized his fine broad shoulders and naturally sculpted abs. As he began the ascent, I could feel the hand of the master tighten on my hilt. ‘Gee up!’ I hear. I knew immediately what to do. Whizzzz and I landed on the boy's back. He groaned in surprise, and we accelerated.”
“The Lord lashed him a few times on his back,” continued Bullwhip, “but unfortunately, although he had no shirt, the ropes tied between Britzka and the horse collar got in the way, so I failed to deliver my most effective lashes. I couldn’t fully show what I can do. Nevertheless, we arrived at the church on time.”
“A bad workman always blames his tools,” jeered Cane.
The whip ignored her and continued his story. “Lucas pulled up outside the church. His fear somewhat dissipated, he removed the horse collar and let it fall to the ground. He leaned against the wall and tried to charm him with his cynical roguish smile. He kept his back to the wall not wanting to show the few, admittedly mediocre marks I had drawn.”
“I was shocked when our Lord coiled me up and handed me over to the boy saying, ‘Go back to the manor. If the horse has not returned, find him. You will wait for my return. This whip is your new best friend. He and your back will meet again soon.’”
“Lucas’ face paled. He solemnly nodded his understanding of what awaited him.”
“Suddenly the bride appeared. Approaching us, I was truly afraid that she was coming to the rescue the boy and ask her uncle for mercy because of her wedding. Instead, she merely smiled. Looking at Lucas's bare chest but addressing the Landlord she said, ‘The whipping post is waiting for you, Uncle.’”
“I've always said that Miss Martha is a prudent, smart creature,” laughed the britzka.
Many thanks to
Strictop for improving the text.